AHCI tours China in Oct 2011

Five cosmopolitan members of the Académie Horlogère Des Créateurs Indépendants, better known as the AHCI, will exhibit in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong in October 2011. To say that China is an important market is an understatement so this is not unexpected, though it’s an unusual combination of watchmakers exhibiting. Taking part in the exhibition are Hungarian watchmaker Aaron Becsei of Bexei Watches, Konstantin Chaykin who hails from Russia, German independent Lang & Heyne, Aniceto Jiménez Pita of Spain and the sole Swiss watchmaker in the group Marc Jenni.
These are the dates and locations of the exhibition: 10月18日 / October 18th 北京 / Beijing 北京香格里拉嘉里中心大酒店 下午3点—9点 Shangri-La’s Kerry Centre Hotel, 3pm-9pm 10月22日—23日 / October 22nd to 23rd 上海 / Shanghai 上海国际顶级私人物品展 展位 BA3-BA5 Top Marques Luxury fair Booth BA3-BA5 10月24日 / October 24th 香港 / Hong Kong 港岛香格里拉大酒店 下午3点—9点 Island Shangri-La 3pm-9pm Registration can be done online the AHCI Facebook page. – SJX
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