Döttling Introduces Entry-Level Luxury Safe for Watches

Protecting pricey timepieces in style just got a bit more affordable with the Döttling FocusLine, a series of more affordable, high security safes.
Döttling is best known for its extravagantly unnecessary safes that sometimes cost more than the objects inside. They usually start at US$100,000, climbing to a quarter million dollars or more. The German safe maker even offers a portable, bulletproof watch case with a built-in tracking device. But just like luxury watchmakers Döttling is also adapting to the times with the FocusLine, its lowest priced series of safes to date, starting at €9000, or about US$9800. The basic FocusLine safe costs less than the portable watch case but nonetheless is suitably outfitted. It’s meets the basic requirements for safes as specified German security testing laboratory VdS, with higher levels available upon request. And it is also fire-resistant, being able to withstand an hour at 1090 degrees Celsius.
Inside everything is customisable, with a variety of options to store items from watches to guns. It’s also possible to fit up to three winder modules inside, with each module containing four winders. The safe is lined with Alcantara inside and out, with chrome-plated hardware as the basic finish.
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